CWEA Wastewater Professional :: April 2014 March 2014 Volume 2 | Page 42

Advertising | Rates & Schedules Circulation information The WASTEWATER PROFESSIONAL is a official publication of the California Water Environment Association, Inc., a member association of the Water Environment Federation. Circulation: Over 9,400. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization. Since 1928 we have served individuals, agencies and companies involved in municipal and industrial wastewater engineering, collection, analysis, treatment and disposal. Display advertising rates and formats Ad Size 40 cost per issue 3 times 2 times 1 time Full page . . . . . $530 . . . . . Half page . . . . . $295 . . . . . Quarter page . . $190 . . . . . Business card . $78 . . . . . . $560 . . . . . . $325 . . . . . $220 . . . . . na . . . . . . . . $590 . . . $355 . . . $250 . . . na . . . . . Size (in inches) width x depth 7.375 x 10 (non-bleed) 6.875 x 4.25 3.25 x 4.75 3.25 x 1.875 (we will resize to fit) All Ads are Black and White unless purchased at a special position (details below). Position information Advertising position is determined by publisher or at a first-come, first-serve basis unless a special position (as available) is purchased. Special positions Second (inside front) cover: $1950 per issue Third (inside back) cover: $1950 per issue Fourth (outside back) cover: $2310 per issue Formatting options: Bleed: No charge for bleed. 1/8” bleed and 1/2” safe area on all four sides. Inserts: Call for estimate. Printing specifications The WASTEWATER PROFESSIONAL is printed offset, trim page 8.5 x 11”; 4-color and spot color available ob covers only; saddle stitched. Supply halftone screen negative (150 line screen), right reading emulsion side up, camera-ready art, or velox prints. Progressive proofs must accompany negatives on 4 color cover ads. Ads supplied on disc must include all support files, all art must be 300 dpi at full size. No art in Word. Cancellations Cancellation of any portion of a contract nullifies all rate and position protection for the remainder of a schedule. Cancellations are not acceptable after closing dates. All instructions regarding contracts and/or insertions must be in writing. Cancellations are subject to short-rates. Liability CWEA shall not be liable for any failure to print, publish, or circulate all or any portion of any issue. In consideration of publication of an advertisement, the advertiser and agency, jointly and severally, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Association, its officers, agents and employees against expenses and losses resulting from publication of the advertisement. General Advertising must be inserted within 12 months of the first insertion to earn the frequency discount. Rates are subject to change upon 30 days notice in writing from publisher. We reserve the right to charge cash in advance. CWEA reserves the right to reject any advertisement that, in its opinion, does not conform to the standards or editorial objectives of the publication. Advertising insertion order form Copy the form below and return to: CWEA - Wastewater Professional Ads 7677 Oakport Street #600, Oakland CA 94621 Phone (510)382-7800 x104, Fax (510)382-7810 Email [email protected] Date: Advertiser: Contract Rate: Insertion Date(s): Ad Space: ___ 1 time ___ Winter ___ Full Page ___ Quarter Page ___ 2 times ___ 3 times ___ Spring ___ Summer ___ Half Page ___ Professional Card * Issue date Insertion order due $ __________ $ __________ $ __________ Material/copy due Summer 2014 . . . . August 2014 . . . . . . May 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 17 Winter 2015 . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . October 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . November 8 Spring 2015 . . . . . . April 2015 . . . . . . . . February 3 . . . . . . . . . . . February 20 Agency commissions 15% agency commissions are given only to recognized advertising agencies which select the media, handle the order within all deadlines, submit all advertising in camera-ready form, furnish and prepay all transportation charges on all printed material submitted and assume financial responsibility, plus process prompt payment under the terms of this rate card. Agency commission will only be paid on invoices paid within 45 days. No commission paid on production charges, including color charges. Wastewater Professional April 2014 Less Agency Commission: ** TOTAL DUE: Cover date $ __________ Non-member fee *** Issuance & closing dates Ad Cost Each Issue: Authorized Signature: Print name: Title: Address: Phone number: Email: *  Payment must accompany orders for Professional Card Listing. All other will be billed. ** 15% commission given only to recognized advertising agencies *** $148 additional cost for Advertisers who are not CWEA members