CWEA Wastewater Professional :: April 2014 March 2014 Volume 2 | Page 4
From the President
ne important contributor to a strong or-
are already juggling family duties at home and your
ganization is its culture. But what makes
day job too, and deeply rewarding. As I wound
a strong culture? Is it one that has
around (and around, and around) the state I was
uniform rules, practices, policies, and procedures?
struck by how similar each of the 17 local sections
Does the strong organization march through every
are, and yet how unique they have become. My
task in lock-step synchronization,
journey through the state was a
wearing matching khaki pants and
fascinating one indeed.
navy polo shirts, while humming
Each local section has similar
the company credo in perfect uni-
bylaws, and are governed by a sim-
son? Or is it the other side of the
ilar Board structure. As I attended
spectrum? A lively and creative cul-
each banquet I saw many more
ture where every member is free
similarities. An uncommon dedica-
to be unique, wear what they want,
tion to delivering quality training
think what they want, and do what
and education to water environ-
they want? In my experience I have
ment professionals was the thread
found that the answer lies some-
Christoph Dobson
where in the middle; a strong core
that bound them all together, and
it was present everywhere I went.
of uniform policies and practices combined with
Even the banquet agendas were very similar: some
the freedom to be creative and innovative. This is
words from dignitaries, awards and recognition, the
not an easy balance to strike, but I have discovered,
officer installation, and to wrap up the evening, the
in my journey through my Presidential year, that
hugely po