CWEA Wastewater Professional :: April 2014 March 2014 Volume 2 | Page 29

Feature Article | CWEA’s new online member services center CWEA’s new online member services center will enhance your CWEA membership T he development and advancement of technolopurchasing an electronic study guide and apply memgy has improved our lives in many ways. We see ber discount rates during checkout. it right in our own hands, every day, with our smartphones and tablets.Technology is making it easier Go Local to connect with our peers, to keep a commitment to CWEA local sections provide great opportunities professional development, and helps us to do our jobs for professional development and connections with every day. All of this progressive technology has shaped other CWEA members right in your own community. our culture and as we move further into 21st century makes it easier to find your CWEA local technology, so has CWEA. section when joining or renewing is CWEA’s new using Google Maps.You can also online member services center that access the new local section dienables you to get the most out rectory that includes links to each of your CWEA membership. For CWEA local section web site, a example, you can check the status directory of local section officers, of your certification, renew your and even a count of current local membership, and even register for section members. CWEA local CWEA educational events online, section leaders have access to a Interactive local section map on all at your convenience. CWEA has real-time list of members that they invested significant time and recan access from a PC, tablet, or sources to make it more convenient for you to engage smartphone making it easier than ever to verify memwith your fellow CWEA members and to better serve berships at local section learning and social events. your organization. Access to Certification Information Improved Member Services CWEA certificate holders can now track all of their Since launching in December, memcurrent certificates at any time on Conbers have been responding favorably to new and tact hours earned at state CWEA educational events improved services. Once logged into the system, (starting with the 2014 Annual Conference) will be members can manage many aspects of their CWEA acautomatically applied toward CWEA recertification and count profiles including updating contact information, renewal. Certificate holders can track how many conuploading a profile photo, and changing employer intact hours they have earned and see how many more formation. Members can also access their order history contact hours are required to recertify. Employers and and print receipts and pay open invoices. certificate holders can search the certification registry In addition, offers a more robust systo verify individual certificate holder information. All tem for individuals to join and renew. New members of CWEA’s certification study guides are available for can easily join CWEA while registering for an event or download on and are free to members. Wastewater Professional April 2014 27