From world-famous Art Deco architecture to Miami Beach is one of the strongest retail trade
designer fashions, renowned nightclubs and markets in Miami-Dade County because of the high
exquisite dining cuisine, Miami Beach is a great traffic of visitors as well as full-time and seasonal
tourist destination. It is rich with culture, art and residents. The retail space in Miami Beach is
history. Miami Beach has over 7 miles of beaches, receiving investors’ attention including a solid and
three golf courses and 20 parks. Miami Beach is a strong demographics and development activity.
known tourist-friendly vacation hot spot with Developers are focusing on urban-core submarkets,
welcoming shopping and culture, for world high-income suburban as well as the dense
travelers, celebrities and locals alike. The economic population of high-income spenders. Retailers have
boom brings a refurbishment to the Art Deco noticed this trend and intend to be part of the
Historic District, modernized transportation metro’s fastest-growing urban neighborhoods like
infrastructure and a new way of life, which features Miami Beach. This is one reason why the retail
arts, culture, sports and entertainment, all with an space in Miami Beach is in high demand and if is
international accent. located in the proximity of Lincoln Road, the
world-class entertainment district, the rents can
achieve above $300.00 PSF and the vacancy is
expected to stay well below national historical
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