CVP Career Academy: 2014 - 2016 Final Summary CVP Career Academy: 2014 - 2016 Final Summary | Página 5

The Concept

As the sponsor and underwriter for the Academy, CV worked with KAGE to define the goals and objectives for the program and the student participants:

Hands-on exposure to the real estate development and hospitality


• Valuable career and networking connections

Resume building and professional development

An opportunity to earn money

The goal was and continues to be to include students who may not ordinarily have the opportunity to work with preeminent real estate firms. For the participating firms, the goal is to expose them to a diverse and highly qualified talent pool so that they can attract and retain future employees for their organizations.

The 2015 group of interns visit CV Properties' development site in Providence, RI.


2016 interns: Helen Oyinola, Ann Sybill Emmanuel and Christopher Noris