Nicki: Are you going to start in the States?
Davey: I don’t know yet. Now this is a game changer
since we went to the UK the fans there are like...let’s
see if we can get them back here. It’s cool in the UK
they don’t have the same social standards like Hollywood , people don’t have to act, it’s all more down to
earth, not trying to impress people. It’s like the grass is
always greener; I see bands come over here to tour
and they like it over here, you know. It’s easy from a
distance to love something, but when you really dig
your nails into it, it’s not always what it’s cut out to be.
Sherry: I saw you in Seattle
Davey: Yeah, you saw one of our first shows. We had
been playing one off shows before then, but that was
really our first tour.
Sherry: Honestly, at that time, I was brought out for
Wednesday 13, and when you hit the stage, I was
like “holy shit, these guys rock!”.
Davey: Thank you!
Nicki: Well we are very excited about seeing the
show tonight, we know you have things do to prepare; we really appreciate you spending some time
with us and we’ll be upfront center with cameras in
Davey: We had to bring in a new guitar player for the
night, it’s his first show…..our guitar player will be in
tomorrow and our keyboard player is getting his wrist
worked on. But it’s all right, if we can get though this
tour it’s going to be just fine!
As the interview ended I was pleasantly surprised by
the sincerity of this young man. I believe big things will
come from Davey Suicide and his future will be bright!
- Nicki & Sherry