Nicki & Sherry here…we are honored to spend a little personal time with Davey Suicide at The Hard
Rock Hotel Nov 9th right before his show. I must say
that personally, I was somewhat giddy at this opportunity…as I am a huge fan and had no idea what
I was in for with this bigger than life figure…
Nicki: We know you are originally from the East
Coast and we have heard in the past that you’ve spoken of opportunities you may have slipped away in
the past and we’d like to know a little about that.
Davey Suicide: I’d pretty much started a tour with
another band I’ve been together with for a while and
one of the guys decided he didn’t want to tour anymore and just like that we had to cancel the tour two
days before we left. It is was basically “I’ve done all I
could do here”. I spoke with my dad he said it is pretty
much your life and you have to do what you want to
do. The next following week, I packed the minivan
drove across country and didn’t know where I was going to live, didn’t know where I was going to work. I
had some money in reserve that I saved and was going
to kind of piece it together in when I got there. Basically, I thought “alright let’s figure this out.”
journey so far.
Davey: I think I’ve just learned that you have to be accountable for everything that you do. You can’t blame
someone else for failing, you have to take a hard look
in the mirror and just realize that you’re in control of
everything that happens to you. I’ve known so many
people since I’ve moved to Hollywood that just blame
other band members or whoever for the reasons that
they are not where they want to be, and the reasons
they didn’t get there is probably because they did it
wrong. So it made me realize what things I was doing
wrong and helped me to work on changing that every
single day. That’s a maturity I’ve come to know about
Nicki: What about the debut album Generation F*ck
Star, do you think it’s a calling card, introduction of
the band and you to the world and what do you
think the message is the fans should take from it?
Davey: Well, it isn’t like a single and that’s why I
thought it would take everyone back of how the band
is. This is the first song from it and it kind of sets the
tone that we are in a time that what the idea of a star is
has been so watered down, manufactured, and we
have television shows that have people singing gloriNicki: What was the inspiration of your persona fied karaoke songs and stuff. The idea of what makes a
change to “Davey Suicide” and the decision to pur- real gritty person that has actually lived through stuff
sue it?
and has actual stories to tell because they’ve had hardDavey: I think I’ve always been misrepresented to the ships and they’ve learned to communicate through
public in general and I needed a reminder that I have
always been in control of how things come out in the
end, so I’ve always said unless I kill myself I’m going to
get everything I want out of the world. I’ve always
known that, it’s who I am now. Davey Suicide, that’s it;
I am living the life and death of myself. Having that
name is a reminder of that attitude.
Nicki: Put your trust in Suicide, what is the true
meaning? When you look at yourself in the mirror is
that what you see?
Davey: Yeah, it’s self-belief, confidence in myself. I
think a lot of people try to pay homage to a supreme
being, to something higher, or stuff like. Or when
something happens the first thing they think of is God,
but really you were doing all the practice, you were
doing all the work, you did all the wasn’t someone else that gave you’re the strength. You did that, so
that’s what that’s about, really just trusting in yourself.
Nicki: The rise of Davey Suicide really represents the
rise of a man breaking free of some really tough circumstances at a young age and growing into yourself, tell us about the emotional and intellectual