CV NorthWest Dec 2013 | Page 26

people that have come and gone? Well I'm not gonna include guys that just filled in for a tour but noteworthy members sure...Hemlock started as 3-piece including me and Chad and our guitarist/ longtime friend Richard Burnett. We played clubs and bars around Vegas and eventually added our friend Mike Johns on rhythm guitar and backing vocals. We started touring regionally and eventually Richard had to step out so we replaced him with our roadie D.J. Kinsley. We continued touring for a few years with this line forward a few years we actually did an impromptu song live with all original members (including Rich). We hadn't all been in the same place at the same time in a long time. We got up and did one song and killed it! The magic was still there so we planned a tour with all original members. After about 6 months Rich couldn't commit to touring full time so we pulled out our good friend Bryan Gentry (who was in Hemlock for a while after D.J. quit.) That was a great line up but eventually Bryan had to put in notice because his wife was pregnant...with all our shows, I?m not sure if it was his kid or not! HaHa I'm just kidding Bryan! So anyways that's when we brought Jezy on board. I met Jezy at a Walmart in Missouri. We got talking music. He was in a different band at the time. I kept an eye on him thinking we might need him eventually. I finally picked a good one! When we brought him on board, I had known him for that while and was kinda prepping him anyways. Mike didn't last too much longer...we'll call it creative differences (even though that's not what it was. I'm just being politically correct and taking the higher road here). ?[[???HYH????[????[[??Z]\?\???Z[????[??H?Y??^H??[H?? ??H?[?[H?]Y?X\?????? ? L??\?H?[?YX\???\??][\?X\???[YH?]\??\???]?Y??\?H\??\?H?[Y\???Y\?[???H]?H???[H??YX\??I??H?\?B?[[?Y?^H[??H?]?[H\?H??[??^H[?X?????^\??[H???Y\???\?[?????[??Z?H ???\?[?\? [?H?Y?[??[???X[H?[?ZY?HY K???\?H?H\?H?^HB??????X[?[?HY?H?[???H?]?YX\??[?HX\?H ? 8?&??[??H\???O??X[??Z]?HYZ?HH?]?YX\?????Y\??????X?[?][??X[?H[???H?\???\??]Y??]?\??\??[?X[?Y?[Y[??]H[??YH?Y]?H?HX\?H[?H?YYY??H\?H??[K?H?\?[??[?H??X?H????[???[][??\]H[YB???H?Y\??H?\??YYYH??XZ?[?]?[??Y???Y[?HY??YH\?[????[?H\? ]??\?X?X[HY?\?H???[???[YX?Y?\??[??[??H?X[^?YY?H\???[??H?YYY??B????\??Y?Z[?[?]?[???\ ?H?[??B?[[???????^[YH^H?[YH??Y??Y?\?[?Y?\?]?Y?\?[??][??YH?X?????[?K?B??[Y[??H?\?[??YZ?[??[???[?H??[?]?H?\??Z[????[[??H?[Z[HY?H[?HKMH????]?[?X[H[H[?]?[Y?Y[?H?\?X?H???YH?X???[[YHHH[???H?\?[?????[?H[??]?\??Y??H[???[???H\Y\???H?X??B?????]\?]X??]T?[?]\]???????[ [?[???[?H?^\??Y\???Y?O??X[??Z]??[Z\??K???]\?X?X[??\ [??H?X?]?H?H?[???]?H??H]?HY??[?\??H????[??H?]\[??????\?\??\????X?H]?\?H?Y?B?????[?H?H????^H[?H?X?Y?X?Y\??Y?H?][?\?]\?X???X[??Z]?H?H[YH?H\?H?\?[?\?\??[???H^H]\?X?\?X?[H?Y]?H??]]?H?[???[??]?\?][??]?H?H?\??H???[??H\?B??