12 apartments tailored for people aged over 55 , with private , landscaped garden and views over the sea front – all created with the intention of encouraging an active lifestyle .
When designing the development , Apex worked with the local group , Friends of Rathmoyle , to find out how the new apartment building could work in a much-loved sea front location in Ballycastle .
They also worked with the local planning department to make sure the proposed building reflected local architecture as described in the Ballycastle Conservation Area Design Guide .
Apartments overlooking the Sea of Moyle have bay windows to reflect traditional buildings along the seafront , whilst apartments located deeper into the site have balconies or small gardens .
The development has a central communal garden and Apex intend to commission some artwork within the communal garden to instil a sense of belonging amongst new tenants .
At the request of the Northern Ireland Swift Group , Apex installed swift boxes around the building to welcome a set of visitors who will come on the wing and settle yearly into their new homes .
Ultimately , Apex have designed and are creating a development that aims to enhance the local environment and provide fantastic new rural homes for older people .
www . constructionviewonline . co . uk