CV Directions Vol. 2, No. 1 | Page 12

CONNECTING ONLINE Driving Collaboration Through Virtual Communities By Jared Hullett, Vigilant Medical Through clouds of obscenities, scams, and skepticism a wholesome truth about the Internet remains. Our ability as a culture to form and function in communities has never been stronger than it is online. From Facebook to forums, our constant connection to technology allows us—even obliges us—to remain connected to each other. Like-minded people now gather in virtual environments to teach and ultimately solve the pressing problems of their specific cohort. Diffusing a single person’s expertise and knowledge across a community as a collective has never been simpler to accomplish. Yet physici ans and medical professionals wait for archaic brick-and-mortar conferences to see their community thriving and communicating at one-tenth of the vivacity of your average online forum. But these discuss trivial matters; could such a format provide truly useful insights for highly educated and specialized cardiologists? To delineate this question even further, we can ask: do online forums provide a platform for serious collaboration and communication? Although healthcare has been slower to catch on, much of the business world has fully embraced online communities. Online communities exist for everything from search engine optimization—a form of online marketing—to basic management principles. Where all of these iterations are great ways to diffuse expertise across many people, there is a different implementation of webbased communities that could impact healthcare and specifically cardiology departments drastically. These are moderated, safe, and professional Imagine a HIPAA secure online platform corners of the web where those looking to where interventionalists and surgeons can learn or simply talk with post real cases to like-minded people can other specialists at a This proactive and gather to communicate. nearby hospital. Imcost effective apOn a personal note, I’ve agine a physician learned more from parposting a particularly proach would put ticipating in these comtroublesome case— munities than I did in all these institutions out in complete with paof my years of formal tient history and inbusiness education. It is front of the quality and ap- formation—and reeasy to see how these ceiving an opinion in propriateness issues most professional online foa matter of minutes. rums could translate into cardiac programs are beginNow, imagine a dehealthcare. ning to dread. partment at one facilCommunities like these ity being able to post could improve almost all aspects of a sample of studies to a partner institution. healthcare. I can imagine basic web-forums That partner institution could then do an for lab techs to share tips and help those exploratory review for appropriateness and who are just starting out learn and grow. Or quality while simultaneously posting studies perhaps a more advanced version for physito the first institution for review as well. cians where they can post full patient imagThis proactive and cost effective approach ing studies—stripped of personal patient would put these institutions out in front of information of course—and discuss the case the quality and appropriateness issues most with colleagues from around the world. 12 “