CV Directions Vol. 1, No. 2 | Page 2

2 CHS Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute to Create Patient and Family Advisory Council Editor In Chief P eg g y M c E l g u n n , E s q . , E x ec u t i v e D i r ec t or C o n t r i bu t i n g E d i t o r Quality M a r y H ei s l er , ACE Janelle Willis C o n t r i bu t i n g E d i t o r Te c h n o l o g y Carolinas H e a l t h C a r e S y st e m ' s Sanger Heart & V a s c u l a r I n st i t u t e I k e M i l l er , C a r ol i n a s M ed i c a l C en t er C o n t r i bu t i n g E d i t o r R e i m bu r s e m e n t / F i n a n c e A t Carolinas HealthCare System we remain committed to providing an overall experience of healing for patients and families, creating enduring relationships and continuing to lead the transformation of healthcare delivery. Our continued success depends on our people and our ability to consistently improve the quality of care we provide to our patients. For this reason, we are proceeding in this capacity through our partnership and development of a Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute Patient and Family Advisory Council. This council will be a representation of our entire Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute scope. The Patient and Family Advisory council will allow patients and families to have direct input and influence on policies, programs, and practices affecting care and services for the patients and family members we serve. The magnitude of this council creates a win-win situation for everyone involved. As an example from another program, Carolinas HealthCare System Lincoln was able to improve way finding by utilizing cancer ribbons as a landmark for Levine Cancer Institute patients. A flag with cancer ribbons has been permanently raised so that patients can see from the main entrance of the hospital how to navigate to Levine Cancer Institute. This suggestion was taken from their Patient Advisory Council which has helped to improve D a v i d S t r el ow , M i d A m er i c a ­ S t . L u k e’ s overall patient satisfaction. Patients also appreciate the opportunity to serve on the council. One Levine Cancer Institute Patient Advisor said, “One of the many ways that cancer–or any catastrophic illness–impacts you is that it robs you of control. For me, an integral part of my recovery (both physical and emotional) has been regaining that control, turning the table on my cancer by using what I’ve learned and experienced to try to help others. Having a voice and sharing my journey has allowed me to feel that it has served a purpose.” Because the Joint Commission inquires about Patient and Family Advisory councils during hospital site visits, hospitals all over the world have adopted this concept. Studies show their implementation has helped to positively change the culture, reduce errors and adverse events, increase patient loyalty, reduce the risk of malpractice, increase teammate satisfaction, and improve financial performance. We are excited to be embarking on this strategy with our first tentative start date set for October 2014. These are the efforts that continue to set us apart and promote our core values of caring, commitment, integrity and teamwork. C o n t r i bu t i n g E d i t o r A d m i n i s t r a t i ve M a t t e r s J on G a r d n er , C en t u r a C o n t r i bu t i n g E d i t o r Research & Evidence Practice L i n d a P a x t on , C h i p p en h a m J oh n s t on W i l l i s A d ve r t i s i n g D i r e c t o r S ea n M c E l g u n n , V P C or p or a t e R el a t i on s Managing Editor K u r t J en s en , C om m u n i c a t i on s D i r ec t or