38 Sir William Henry Bragg Building - University of Leeds
The Sir William Henry Bragg Building is the largest single investment in the University of Leeds ’ history . Its origins lie in the masterplan for the University , where they identified several key science facilities that were no longer fit for purpose . Instead of redesigning each facility , the Bragg Building brings together the Faculty of Engineering and Schools of Physics and Chemistry into a single building – creating a truly world-class collaborative research centre .
The crucial challenge was to design spaces that changed the way people worked . They needed to encourage collaboration through room layouts and the way the building was organised , while keeping an eye to the future of research . The site chosen included the Grade II * listed Old Mining Building , which they would sensitively repurpose to form part of the new centre .
The Bragg Building is fully equipped to support cutting-edge science research now and into the future . This is thanks to an impressive range of research environments – from clean rooms and low vibration facilities to spaces that allow for studies into radiation , optics , low temperatures , and bio-nano chemistry . They took the time to explore options with each of the schools / faculties and the wider university , planning spaces