CV 49 2023 | Page 26

26 NHBC Pride in the Job Awards 2022 - Wickford Developments - Woodlands Park


Wickford Development Company is a family owned business ; a traditional house builder with an ethos of ‘ Quality from Start to Finish ’. Wickford Development Company ’ s success has been founded on producing quality homes with attention to detail .
The company was established in 1963 by Mr De ’ Ath who started building single plots before acquiring larger parcels of enabling residential developments to be built across Essex .
Wickford have since built hundreds of homes across Essex in Maylandsea , Maldon , Kelvedon and Great Dunmow and in many other villages and towns across the UK . Wickford are always actively searching for land to develop and are happy for landowners to approach us directly and help them through the planning process .
It is Wickford Development ’ s aim to provide the highest of standards both in materials and workmanship at every stage of construction and fitting . They are not an archetypal national or regional housebuilder , and this is reflected in the close relationship they have with their Principal Contractor and Subcontractors . They are a premium house builder as demonstrated in the number of quality awards they have won with the NHBC . Wickford Development Company have been awarded The National Supreme Award in the small builder category at the National House uilding Council ( NHBC ) Pride in the Job awards 2020 .
The award is in recognition to the very high standards Wickford build their homes to . Aaron Parradine the Senior Site Manager who received the award was keen to acknowledge , “ It ’ s testament to the hard work and effort the whole team has put in .” The NHBC Chief Executive , Steve Wood , said : “ This year ’ s winners have earned the highest accolade within the UK house-building industry as a Supreme winner . They have all joined an extremely elite group and represent the absolute best of our industry .”
Wickford realise that such industry recognition in the build quality of our homes and the attention to detail gives our customers the confidence they seek when buying a new home . Wickford will always strive to improve and continue to build quality homes from start to finish . Wickford Development Company – Quality from Start to Finish .
The homes at Woodlands Park reflect Wickford traditions and values as we strive to set higher standards in building new homes . The homes are traditionally built with quality brick and concrete block materials . There are numerous external finishes employed across the varying house types which gives each plot a distinctive feel .