Customer Annual Review 2016 | Page 6

Ensuring every customer has the right home for their circumstances is a key aim for our business moving forward.

Last year we saw 151 (0.7%) tenancies end in negative circumstances. Although

this is a reduction from 186 tenancies the year before – we understand how

important it is to ensure that your home works for you and your family and so

we’ll be introducing a number of measures to improve this.

One of the areas that can often cause an issue is the affordability of rent. This year, following a Government decision, if you’re an existing customer who rents, you will

have welcomed a reduction of 1% on your rent.

We also felt it was important to review the rent shared owners pay, as we knew you were also struggling given stagnant salary rises and increasing living costs. Following consultation with you we halved the increase that was due to be made to your rent this year by 1.5%. You can read more about that here

For new customers we have introduced an affordability assessment into our lettings process to ensure people aren’t setting themselves up to fail through unaffordable tenancies. With cuts across the welfare state it’s becoming more challenging, particularly for customers on benefits to hopefully make ends meet. So sitting alongside the assessment is support to get into work, to try and make it affordable.

A major investment for Bromford in 2016 is the roll out of the neighbourhood coaches. This brand new role will see each of our coaches have substantially smaller patches to work on. This will give them an opportunity to get to know each of you, whether you’re a rented or shared ownership customer, as well as ensuring that they are really familiar with all the opportunities or challenges in your community. The aim of this investment is to ensure that we can identify and help you achieve your ambitions, as well as developing a community of support around you.

And don’t forget that we’re always on the lookout to recruit talented people as neighbourhood coaches. Who better to bring a community together than you, our customers. If you are great with people and have a passion for improving your community take a look to see whether we’re recruiting in your area today. Click here

It’s important to us that we build our relationship with you as we can often be seen

as simply the landlord, only concerned with collecting rent. Our main objective is to

create an environment where you can thrive, enabling you to get the most out of

life. This can often mean working in partnership with other agencies or community organisations to ensure you get the best advice and support.

<highlight through design> For more information on neighbourhood coaches take a look here.

<Highlight through design> Last year we undertook 1435 re-lettings and 261 new lettings

Read how partnership working is helping Colin <link to Colin’s story – >

How we've performed for you

The right home

for you...


Read how

partnership working is

helping Colin

Read how

partnership working helped Heidi into work and her family into a new home