Customer Annual Review 2015 | Page 10

How we’ve performed for you 2014/15 Your involvement Over the last 12 months you’ve sent us over 4,500 completed surveys and 979 messages of feedback through Facebook and Twitter. This information is vitally important as it not only helps us improve services but it also informs us what services we need to develop to help you get the best out of life in the future. So a big thank you to all of you who got involved. To take a look at what you told us overall last year, click here As promised, over the past year we’ve worked hard to give you more ways of getting in touch. It’s now possible to give us your feedback by phone, post, email, social media, text message or via the website. You can find out how here We’ve also tried to keep you more informed about how we’re using your feedback to improve services. Every three months we now publish an overview of the feedback you’ve given us, along with an update on the key issues you’ve raised and how we’re aiming to fix them. You can find out more here Over the last 12 months our website has received a makeover and we’ve tried to make it much simpler for you to use. We’ve added lots of video content which we hope has helped you with some hints and tips on maintaining your home. More of you are going online and we know that many of you use smart phones to access services, so over the next year we will be making our website friendlier by introducing a mobile site that will make it even easier for you to request repairs, track progress and see where you are with your rent account. Whilst we have seen an improvement in our communications around repairs and MOTs, we recognise this as an area we want to get even better at this year. With this is mind, we’ll be making a considerable investment in our systems and training of colleagues to see further improvements. CLICK TO SEE OUR HOW TO VIDEOS How have we done? WHAT WE SAID HOW WE DID ACHIEVED 80% of your enquiries will be resolved first time when you contact us. 79% of your enquiries were resolved right first time and we are continuing to identify how we can better our colleagues skills to improve this further. We aim to increase the number of times our website is visited year-on-year. We have seen a 9.7% increase in the number of visits to our website in the last year. This allows you access to some of our services 24/7. Complaints Overall, a total of 657 service issues became complaints this year. Whilst this is a slight increase on previous years, this was due to an increase in complaints about our former gas contractor - during the past 12 months they accounted for 32% (210) of complaints. As a result of this we’ve ended our relationship with this provider and contracted a new provider to deliver the service. The majority of complaints were resolved informally either immediately or were progressed in a different way. 10 CUSTOMER ANNUAL REVIEW 2015 CUSTOMER ANNUAL REVIEW 2015 11