Curvz Magazine June 2013 issue Curvz June-2013 | Page 10
Fashion N Fitness
Where being fit is always
in fashion
By: Coach Vicky Jackson
his month we will start our sizzling hot
summer. It’s time to put on your shorts, sun
dresses and skirts and show off those sexy
legs. Your legs should look good from the
front and back. At this point you should have a good
idea about making healthy food choices and maintain-
ing your diet. Lunge- 3 sets 20 reps
This exercise utilizes all major muscle of your legs and
requires concentration and balance
I’ve been working with a charity group called Team
Challenge and I am running in a marathon to find a
cure for Cohn’s and Colitis disease. On June 8, 2013
we will be running the Chicago Half Marathon. This
will be my first marathon run but “the race is not given
to swift nor to the strong but to he who endures un-
til the end .Running is the best way to have very lean
and tone legs. While I’m in training for this marathon
I have increase my endurance and ran further than I
ever thought I could do. I am quite sure on your road
to a better you there have been some challenges, but
don’t give up hang in there and see your body develop
over time. You should take a day and go enjoy Mother Nature she
does provide a world’s best gym and say to yourself
being fit is always in fashion than run like the wind.
Here is a short workout to get you started on those
sexy legs.
Beginner Squat -3 sets 20 reps
This exercise will target quads,hamstrings,glutes and
10 Curvz June 2013
Side-lunge - 3 sets 15 reps
This exercise will target Abs, obliques, butt, quads and