Curvy We Stand Vol 1 | Page 39

Jennifer White (Jenny) age 23 born and raised in Louisville, KY. Jenny has two beautiful children De’onna and Deshon Miller. She attends United Missionary Baptist Church with Pastor Rev. Leonard E Boyd, where she loves to worship and fellowship with her church family. She grew up in a single family home in the west end part of Louisville Kentucky. Her high school days she started off in Seneca High School. While there she got into some trouble and was kick out of school. Jenny spent the rest of her school years at Buechel high school where she worked hard to come out a year early graduating in 2011. After high school she attend Empire Beauty School than later enrolled into ATA collage where she became a dental assistant . She truly enjoys her job and plans to go back to school to becoming a hygienist. She loves spending time with family and friends as well as singing and dancing. Her smile can turn a person’s bad day into a good day. Shopping is also one of her favorite hobbies. When she was six years old her brother was killed in the house were they grew up. After that it was her and her mother Jennifer Cooksey. Her mother has been her biggest suppoter. They have always managed to get though whatever life seem to throw their way. One of her biggest struggles in life has always been her weight and her skin color. She always saw herself as too black, ugly and fat. She would cry to her mother asking why God made her that way. She would dream about being lighter in color and look different. One day her mother sat her down in the mirror and had her stare back at her reflection. She realized how beautiful she was and as well as how beautiful her skin tone. She understood God made everyone different for a reason. Today she Jenny is more confident than she has ever been. She loves her skin weight, shape. and everything about her. One of her most favorite saying is: “If it’s not curvy it’s not right. Learn to finally except herself for who she really is was not easy but she learned to do just that. No matter the direction life may take her she knows to keep her head high and always pushes to do better. Jenny believes she can do anything though Jesus Christ that strengthen her! Whatever she puts her mind to theres nothing in the world she can’t do!!! Curves for a Cause | 39