Curvy We Stand Vol 1 | Page 35

Make that dream a reality ! By : Vonda Williams
Ever had the feeling that you are capable of doing so much more but never know how to get there ? I too had these plans and ideas stuck in my head and heart but never really knew how in the heck to get from step A to step Z .
I soon found out that not everyone is interested in helping you " crack the code " it ' s just not at the top of their agenda . I wanted to find the answer myself to help others .
I not only want to help those in the same dilemma but to teach the youth to know as well ! On my quest to find the answer on how to execute a plan , I started to connect with incredible and amazing successful people that have changed my life with valuable infomation .
I have learned : First thing first , if you plan on moving forward with your same negative small unimaginative mindset , please just stop now . Doing the same thing expecting a different outcome is insanity ! But if you really want to make life changing decisions that will get you what you want you will have to work to limit your negative thinkining . Next , have a goal set in place . KNOW exactly what you want . Make sure it ' s a clear goal . To try and have a million goals at the same time will cause you to have scattered focus . You will not have the drive you need to reach that ultimate goal because you will become way to overwhelmed with too much on your plate ! Have a clear and decisive vision of what you really want . This vision should be so plain and so clear that you can see it past all current distractions in your life .
Now that you know what you want you need to know WHY you want it . You can ' t reach your goal without having a heart racing reason for wanting to get there . So now you have your goal , and you know exactly why you want to accomplish it , next thing you need to do is BELIEVE . Even though your surroundings could show a total different story you have to believe pass your current circumstances ! The one way to do this is to do some cleaning ! Get rid of ALL negative garbage in you life . Surround yourself around everything and everyone that are positive and supportive . You will need this when times are tough and when things don ' t seem so promising . When the time comes you will need that extra push of encouragement .
Also , you need to take your plan and break it down in bite size pieces . You CAN NOT eat entire cow in one day , but if you break it down into small pieces and take it one day at a time you will see you have eventually completed all of the steps to get you there . Take small steps every day toward what you want . Small steps done everyday will get you closer and closer to your goal .
There is no need of worrying about mistakes along the way , you just have to keep moving . You can not sweat the small stuff . Every decision you make is a good one even the bad ones . The bad mistakes will pose as lessons . Learn from them and never stop moving !
The closer you continue to get to your goal , stop and congratulate yourself along the way . You will only continue to do things you feel you are successful at . This feeling of success will cause you to press forward for more success ! Never leave your eye off your vision . Eat , sleep and breath what you want and where you want to be .
Remember , it ' s your goal , your vision and your plan not everyone in the world needs to know . Have that inner circle that is very small an tight that you can share success with , bounce ideas off of and get advice . These circle of people you can count on to help push you in the direction you seek to go .
Once you have reached your goal ( and you will because you visioned it , you believed in it , and you are excited about it ) don ' t stop there , reach for higher heights ! Think outside your comfort zone ! Once you have reached the moon shoot for the galaxy and pull someone with you ! Pay it forward !
So there you have it , this should be a recipe to use when ever you strive to reach for what you want out of life and designing your own happiness !
Vonda Williams Life Purpose Coach and Motivational Speaker
Curves for a Cause | 35