Curvy We Stand Vol 1 | Page 27

Shirmeika Sprouls , 42 and proud mother of a handsome 25 year old son . I have been employed at GE for the last 20 years . The last 23 years have been a struggle as far as my weight is concerned .
It started with 2 car wrecks within a year of each other , at first I didn ’ t notice it but I slowly started gaining weight . I guess you could say life happened , ( IE . Child , relationships , work ) to cope with it food became my best friend . As my weight went up , my confidence and self esteem went down .
I was a very good actress because no one knew how I really felt on the inside about myself . I tried everything to lose the weight , fad diets , diet pills you name it I tried it . I would lose weight but when I went back to eating regular food , the weight came back plus more .
In 2008 my step mother gave me some information about the lap band , and after a lot of research and praying I had the procedure done in January 2009 . It was the best thing I could have done for myself .
I ’ m not saying it has been easy , because it hasn ’ t ; however I have lost 163 pounds . I feel fantastic , sexy and that I can do anything I set my mind to . My confidence is so much better , with the help of my friends , family and my new sisters with Socialite Society & Curves for a Cause the sky is the limit .
Photo Credits : Tyrone Burroughs and Albert Jones
Curves for a Cause | 27