Breketa Goodwin is the owner of Time of Transformation. She is a
Transformational speaker, life coach and Host who believes in helping people
tap into their predestined place of greatness She helps to bring understanding
and acceptance of where you are and what you have been through, but pushes
you to embrace your journey of exchange.
She has learned through her own experience how to become a specialist and
celebrate every stage of life. She has overcome emotional, mental, and physical
abuse. She specialized in knowing what she has been through did not define
her, but helped uncover her true potential. Breketa has dedicated her life to
teaching others how to transform their own life. She is on a mission to help
people make the right choices today for an even greater tomorrow! Who is
Breketa Goodwin I am a woman who has stepped out on faith, and embraced
the beautiful journey of self- discovery.
It’s amazing how this journey reveals that the greatest person you will ever
have the privilege of knowing is yourself. We spend so much time and energy
wrapped up in the opinion of people, our own limited beliefs, fears,
insecurities and doubts. We spend so much time picking ourselves apart for all
the things we are not instead of embracing all the things we are right now as
we grow into the greatest version of ourselves. From this moment forward
promise yourself that you will be honest with yourself, patient with yourself,
and gentle with yourself. Promise that you will begin to take care of yourself
even better than you do everyone else. I am a firm believer that you must be
the first example of how the world is supposed to treat you. Love you,
encourage you, celebrate you, and honor you! You are more than enough and
you have been strengthened for this journey.
Always keep your eyes on growth and you will never stop growing. It’s so easy
to tell a story of all the hell you have been through, but what for? We all have a
story of pain and hurt, my purpose in life is to reveal to people that there’s life
on the other side of the rejection, brokenness, sickness, failures, confusion
and disappointments. I have been placed here to live my life in such a way that
it’s contagious. I just want to be the light in someone’s darkness….I want to
show people the beauty that is found after pain!!!I am a woman who not only
knows her story, but has found the power WITHIN her story. You are
deserving of all that GOD has for you!
Now straighten your crown and go get it!!!
Contact/Booking info [email protected]
Make up by Tay Slay
Photo Credit: Tyrone Burroughs and Albert Jones
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