Curvy We Stand Vol 1 | Page 15

LaTonya is a 46 year old wife ( Larry ) and mother of 3 beautiful young ladies ( Brooke , Bria , Bailey ) along with 1 perfect granddaughter ( Jherni ), who is the apple of her eye . She loves the gift of laughter and making others laugh . She believes that somewhere inside lives a comedian . Bringing that kind of happiness to others gives her life joy !
In her spare time she is a youth advisor at the Greater Galilee Church . She has served for over 20 years and has worked with other ministries . Working with children is another passion she has . LaTonya has a goal to reach and make a difference in the lives of everyone she meets . She loves to help others reach their full potential and God ’ s plan for their life .
Socialite Society Inc has a mission she believes in . LaTonya feels connected to it , as she to is a survivor of a 5 year abusive relationship . Socialite Society allows her to connect and help raise funds that help other women that share similar situations It ' s a true blessing to her to give back and help anothers heal from that life .
Curves for a Cause Women Empowerment Fashion Show allowed her to experience this with the youngest of her daughters , Bailey . Bailey will head off to college in the fall , so it was a bonding experience for them both . But not only that , it was also fulfilling a dream that she pretty much gave up on years ago .
Being that she has always been a “ fluffy ” girl , the opportunity for her to walk the runway or be featured in a magazine was just a dream . But with the Curves For A Cause she will see both come to fruition and she could not be happier .
It ’ s her desire that others will see her step out of her box and get the courage to push themselves to do the same . It ' s important to step out of their box and do something differrent and something they never thought possible .
Thank you Socialite Society for giving “ us ” a platform to be beautiful and shine too !
Photo Credit : Jones Photos Hair & Make Up : Stephanie Hicks Stylist : Dominae Michelle , Posh Doomz , Louisville , KY
Curves for a Cause | 15