Curriculum Guide 2019-2020 | страница 28

CURRICULUM GUIDE 2019-2020 462 ECONOMICS 0.5 credit This one semester course will explore the basic fundamentals and workings of modern economics. Through the use of films, lectures, discussions, and readings, the students will gain an understanding of the following major topics: (1) The basic principles of economics, (2) the intricacies of a market economy, (3) the institutions of a market economy, (4) the structure and growth of national and global economics, and (5) the connection between the economy and public policy. 463 AP AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 0.5 credit Prerequisites: 80% in English III Honors OR 80% in AP United States History In this one-semester course, AP Government students will be able to identify and explain the workings of, as well as the key members of the Legislative Branch, the Judicial Branch, and the Executive Branch of both the federal and state governments. Students will also be able to explain the significant events of the framing of the Constitution as well as the passage of each Amendment. Students will understand the process of elections as well as campaign contributions and current limitations and proposed reforms. A fee is required for those electing to take the AP exam. 464 ! Paired with 462 Economics $ A fee is charged for the AP exam. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 0.5 credit In this one-semester course, students will ideally achieve an understanding of the structure and operation of our state, local and national governments through the use of political theory and practical application. Emphasis will be placed upon the three branches of government and their operation and interaction on the state and national levels. ! Paired with 462 Economics SPEECH COURSES: 118 SPEECH This is a one semester course. Students will earn ½ credit upon successful completion. In this course the student’s public speaking experience is developed as a basic skill in the oral communication process. The student will gain poise, confidence, effective verbal and nonverbal delivery skills, organizational techniques and structure. Students will perform various forms of persuasive and informative speeches. Each freshman is required to take this one semester course. 119 DEBATE This is a one semester course designed for all grade levels regardless of experience with debate. Students will be introduced to the basic theory of public forum debate and are provided with an open forum for these skills to be tested. Students will focus on the basic skills of the debate process, identifying and analyzing issues, organizing ideas for effective written and oral persuasive communication, and gathering and evaluating information. This course will debate on current social issues across the country. Students must be able and willing to spend time outside of the classroom doing research and studying for this course. Participation in debate as a co-curricular activity is strongly encouraged but not required for this course. 219 ADVANCED DEBATE 0.5 credit 0.5 credit 0.5 credit Prerequisites: Debate 119 In this course, the student will develop further enrichment and refinement of the debate process. The student will learn to focus on advancing his skills in the debate process, and identifying and analyzing current social issues. Peer mentoring of novice debaters during class time allows for further growth in the communication process and the sharingof knowledge and ideas. Students are also required to spend a considerable amount of time outside of the classroom doing pertinent research. This course may be repeated multiple times. 28