Grade 4:
United States
Aliquam varius adipiscing
McGraw-Hill Language
Plaid Word Study
Everyday Mathematics 4
or MyMath (online text)
Timelinks Social Studies
Electives: Texts may vary
Gavin Academy Learning Pack
(Binder, dividers, Science worksheets and videos, pen, pencil, calculator, eraser, and more!)
Story Starters
Draw and Write through history
Draw Write Now
At least one ream of blank printer paper (we will be creating our own book!)
Step out of your textbooks and into the world of online education using McGraw-Hill's new series of educational environments. Math drills can become repetitive and boring, but educational games turn them into a fun and interactive experience.
In the Gavin Academy classroom, we will use quizzes that allow students to "buzz in" if they know the answer to a question.
Fourth grade is a good time to begin electives, and although most of our elective subjects are available in the lower grades, this is where we really see students begin to take up specific interests and show an aptitude for subjects they will still find interesting for years to come!
Favorite electives for this grade level include:
Health (this is the time when your little student might start to watch what you eat and it is a pivotal age for learning positive habits)
Theatre Arts (the final years before middle school might just be the most creative of a child's life. Bridge the gap between child's play and high school theatre with a course that teaches students the magic of the theatre)
Learning Has Never Before Been this Awesome!