Grade 3:
United States
Aliquam varius adipiscing
McGraw-Hill Language
Plaid Phonics
Everyday Mathematics 3
Timelinks Social Studies
Science: A closer look
Gavin Academy Learning Pack (composition book, pencil case with ruler and manipulatives, science and social studies worksheets)
Story Starters
Kids World Atlas
Our 50 states
Saving the Liberty Bell
Our students have the unique opportunity to form a global community with other students of the same school. In a world that is charging ahead in terms of technology, how to we keep our children tech-savvy while keeping them safe?
Gavin Academy is the answer. Our students are able to interact with one another in an online classroom environment that is available ONLY TO OUR STUDENTS. As an additional safeguard, students are placed in classrooms only with other students in the same general age group: Puddle Jumpers (Ages 3-6) Discovery School (Ages 7-10) Leaders (Ages 11-14) and Knights (Ages 15 and up).
There are no barriers to accessing an education through Gavin Academy: students can be actively engaged in a classroom environment while at home, in hospital, suspended, or expelled. We are able to mute microphones or turn off cameras off on the rare occasion that a student becomes disruptive, WITHOUT denying them access to an education. Now that is progress!
two streams. one big world.