Curriculum Choices 6-8 | Page 4

ELECTIVES Electives become extremely important in the sixth grade. As students begin to master skills that will continue to be of importance in the coming years, it is time to expand their horizons with art, music, dance, botany, and cooking classes that will help middle schoolers begin to understand the many career choices available to them in future. Schools across the country are struggling with test scores and behavior issues in the middle school range. At Gavin Academy, we understand that middle schoolers are being newly presented with very complicated concepts, and for that reason we devote more time to our students in this age range who are struggling with so many changes educationally, physically, and emotionally, to prepare them for high school and beyond. The great strength of middle schoolers is that they are, without fail, our most energetic and helpful students. Our leadership program allows sixth REQUIRED TEXTS graders to mentor students in the lower grades. Benjamin Franklin said: “Tell me and I forget. Teach 6TH GRADE: UNITED STATES me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”. MCGRAW-HILL LANGUAGE What was true then is still true now: students must SAXON MATHEMATICS be actively engaged in their own learning, and in ISCIENCE GRADE 6 fostering the learning of others, in order to fully DISCOVERING OUR PAST understand the materials being taught. BUILDING CITIZENSHIP TEEN HEALTH (DIGIITAL) Our students are active people, and active people are active learners.