Currents Winter 2021 Vol 37, No. 3 | Page 37

Art in the City
© Weltkino Filmverleih
Aline , The Voice of Love ( Aline ) ***** France / Canada / Belgium 2020 Opened December 23 , 2021
Director : Valérie Lemercier Writing credits : Brigitte Buc , Valérie Lemercier Principal actors : Valérie Lemercier , Sylvain Marcel , Danielle Fichaud , Roc Lafortune , Antoine Vézina , Pascale Desrochers , Jean-Noël Brouté , Victoria Sio
It ’ s 1932 in Quebec ; young Sylvette ( Danielle Fichaud ) and Anglomard ( Roc LaFortuna ) are getting married . Anglomard says he “ doesn ’ t want any children but plans to concentrate all his love on dear Sylvette .” They live in a small house near a forest , where Anglomard works until he takes over a small hotel . About 35 years later , their fourteenth and last child , daughter Aline , is born . She grows up in the large , 57-member , musical Dieu family , where all play various instruments and sing , even accompanying events as a band . Her brothers ’ first names are always “ Jean ” with second names such as Jean-Bobin , Jean-Claudin , or Jean-Sylvain . At age 12 , Aline sings a solo at yet another wedding . The family recognizes that there is a future for her in music . Mother Sylvette and brother Jean-Bobin ( Antoine Vézina ) write a song for her and send it via cassette to music producer Guy-Claude Kamar ( Sylvain Marcel ). Kamar also recognizes this new talent and provides her with possibilities to perform ; this young career takes off . Kamar ’ s advice : don ’ t act cocky or self-confident . Pretend to be worried and insecure ; fans
will admire you more . As a teenager , she , having grown up speaking French , takes a break to improve her English and also to have her crooked teeth adjusted . By age 20 , Aline Dieu is at the top of the charts and performing throughout Canada and Europe , including at a song contest in Dublin . She is always accompanied by her mother . Aline confesses her love for manager Guy-Claude Kamar . In spite of Sylvette ’ s resistance , the ties between Aline and Guy end in marriage ; they have a son named Junior and later twins . Her immense income provides residency in a huge villa . As Guy , slowly too old for the job , remains at home , she shares her stories on the road with her make-up artist , Fred ( Jean-Noël Brouté ).
Aline , The Voice of Love opens with “ this is fiction based on the life of Céline Dion .” Research shows that this basic story is actually very factual . She WAS born in Canada , the youngest of 14 siblings . Her mother and brother did write a song for her , which went to a producer . Her career did take off at a young age ; she toured the world , married her manager , had three sons , including twins , and won many awards . Fictitious in the film are the names and perhaps small details added to carry the plot . Valérie Lemercier directs and plays the lead of Aline Dieu . Considering that she is also a singer , one wonders why she did not sing the songs herself . In the end , however , they were perfectly presented , via voiceover by Victoria Sio . I counted 41 songs in the credits and recognized many of them during the film such as “ My Heart Will Go On ” and “ What a Wonderful World .” There is one version of “ Love Me Tender ” as a tribute to Elvis Presley , who died when she was very young , but with whom she had a close artistic connection . Céline Dion , at age 53 , is still performing , although perhaps travelling less . If you missed an opportunity to enjoy her on stage , then do not miss this film with 128 minutes of inspiring music and an extraordinary career . ( Becky Tan ) and dancing . Mr . Crystal is less enthused when he learns that the famous Clay Calloway , long since retired , has never heard of them . Perhaps it ’ s time to locate Calloway and set up a connection . Miss Crawly drives out to find him .
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