Currents Winter 2020 Vol 36, No. IV | Page 25

coming together to combat climate change , as this crisis touches every aspect of our environment and pushes the resources of our planetary boundaries . One major development includes the Climate Solutions Caucus , formed in 2019 , consisting of a bipartisan senate that acknowledges that Congress must play a vital role in combating climate change .


Is human behaviour to be explained solely or mainly in terms of self-interest ? Or is concern for the well-being of others , be they family members , friends and colleagues , fellow-citizens , or generally people anywhere an equally strong , natural motivation for people ’ s thoughts and actions down the centuries ?
I think it is very important to acknowledge the philanthropists in ourselves who would like to see others enjoy the same level of empowerment we do , for “ doing good ” is a question of doing what is right : everyone is entitled to their human rights , wherever they might be in the world ; oppression and injustice have no place in enlightened societies .
So , what moves me to support SDG 16 is a strong belief in empowerment worldwide for all , especially for the most vulnerable members of society , through the existence or establishment of and respect for the rule of law . Much like the eminent founder of the UNDP ’ s Human Development Index , the Pakistani scholar Dr . Mahbub-ul-Haq , I believe the measure of a country ’ s success lies not only in its GDP figures but in its performance in the fields of universal education , equality for women , poverty , health , human rights , and other similar indicators of the quality of life . The 17 interconnected SDGs are the continuation of the endeavour to meet the political , economic , and environmental challenges facing our world .
The SDG 16 goals are ambitious : to reduce all forms of violence , conflict , and the illicit arms flow , and to encourage good governance in developing countries and their participation in global good governance . Take the problem of violence against women and children : as we are aware , this is sadly prevalent today even in the most advanced societies with intact institutions of justice ; how much more of a tall order it is , then , to address violence against women and children in developing societies where they have very limited or no access to justice ! Good governance is another example : how to encourage accountability , fair elections , and an end to persecution in the developing world when these can come under attack even in developed countries ? Here it is important to remind ourselves that a ) the SDGs are not just aimed at developing countries , and b ) that the only way to achieve worthwhile goals is to remain undaunted and to persevere .
I personally am greatly encouraged by the fact that the wish to live in societies governed by the rule of law is very much a universal and shared phenomenon ; no one who is oppressed will deny a yearning for fundamental freedoms that are guaranteed by strong and transparent institutions . Now , in view of the immense challenges humanity is faced with due to the pandemic , the SDGs are more important than ever .
SDG 16 : Peace , Justice , Strong Institutions www . awchamburg . org 25