Currents Winter 2020 Vol 36, No. IV | Page 2


- Ruth Bader Ginsburg -
Dear Currents readers !
We are excited to present the December edition of Currents with its special theme Decade for Action . What inspires people to take action , specifically action for good ? If there is a silver lining to any of the horrors of this past year , it ’ s that more people are stepping up to bring about a better world . Between the social unrest , the political upheavals , and the pandemic , there has never been more need .
The AWCH is already deeply rooted in activism . We take this issue ’ s title from the UN ’ s own Decade of Action : 10 Years to Transform our World through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ), of which the AWCH is an enthusiastic supporter . Many of our articles specifically discuss and / or support certain SDG goals ; therefore , next to each article , we have added the correlating SDG goal ( s ).
On November 25 , we opened the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence with an inspiring survivor ’ s presentation , one that would likely resonate with the residents of the 5 . Hamburger Frauenhaus , a worthy recipient of the AWCH ’ s patronage for the past two years . Our current FAWCO Target Project is , of course , the elimination of FGM , and we run other numerous charitable giving projects . As we say goodbye ( and good riddance ) to a tumultuous 2020 , we want to welcome the opportunities that the future has to offer .
In this edition , we highlight the wide range of activism within the club , from the best Hamburger Hacks for local holiday shopping to a zero-waste recipe in our Beyond Hamburgers column . Our Environmentally Mindful team provides tips and tricks for a low / zero-waste holiday season . The Film Group recommends kid ’ s movies that cover the topic of climate change . Have you seen Stolpersteine on the streets of Hamburg ? Well , our activism column , Keeping Current , can tell you the history behind these important pieces of our heritage . Finally , the Book Club provides reviews for their most recent reads covering women ’ s rights .
Our members have provided personal accounts of their own activism , including the driving force behind the From the Heart Pillow Project , the opportunities for volunteering in the AWCH , and a closer look into particularly relevant SDGs . And let us never forget the unifying theme behind all of this : kindness — for others , for the earth , and for ourselves .
The AWCH board is happy to introduce two new initiatives : Member Spotlight and Member in Business . If you would like to advertise your business in Currents or have an idea for a new column or article , please send us an email !
For any questions , please email us at : currents-exec @ awchamburg . org
Regards , Beatrice K . and Mason Jane M .
2 AWCH Currents Winter Edition