Currents Summer 2022 Vol. 38, No. 2 | Page 3


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Inside this Issue

April-June 2022

AWCH news & Events

President ’ s Message In Rememberance : Allene Pistorius FAWCO Interim Meeting Springtime Activities
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Special Theme

Celebrating 30 Years of Currents Memories : Kathy Buster Memories : Marinell Haegelin Memories : Shelly Schoeneshoefer Memories : Carol Harbers


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clubs within our club

Book Club Through the Lens Film Group

in Hamburg

The Arts Society Hamburg Film Reviews
Artist Statement Cover artwork by Nancy Tilitz , 2022


Judges are important ( recent US problems with the Supreme Court make this painfully clear ) and must be courageous in their decisions , as all women must in their lives . This judge represents everyone , as does the masked woman in the foreground reminding us of what we are still experiencing . The judge respectfully stands to read her verdict , and the plexiglass Covid partitions become her “ angel wings .” I hope the viewer can gain strength looking at this drawing and hope it speaks to each personally .
Executive Editor : Layout & Design : Behind the Scenes :
Mason Jane Milam Stephanie Matlock Allen & Julia Neumann Carol Harbers & Rebecca Tan
April-June 2022
Contributors : Michaela A ., Carol B ., Kathy B ., Carol H ., Marinell H ., Jess M ., Mason Jane M ., Carol S ., Shelly S ., Becky T ., Mary W .
Photography : Paola B ., Beatrice K ., Jess M ., Eunice N ., Esther P ., Christine R ., Liz R ., Michele S ., Shelly S ., Susan S . W ., Jordan W .
Proofreaders : Thelma F ., Carol H ., Ulrike L ., Stephanie M . A ., Mason Jane M ., Becky T .
www . awchamburg . org 3