Currents Summer 2022 Vol. 38, No. 2 | Page 2


On a recent visit to the AWCH archives , we eagerly browsed through decades of newsletters and magazines . Many featured original artwork by club members , and we are grateful to Nancy Tilitz for creating an original piece for the cover of this issue !
( Photo by Stephanie M . A .)
Dear Currents readers ,
We are both still relatively new to this magazine and this club , yet in this short time , the enormous role both have played in the lives of so many has become very apparent . Last year , we enjoyed a comprehensive look back with an issue dedicated to reliving the origins of the AWCH ; this year , to celebrate 30 years since the club founded its own magazine , we do the same for Currents .
Of course , it really all began in 1956 as a mimeographed single sheet of paper snail-mailed out to club members . This “ caterpillar ” ( to quote Kathy B .) of a newsletter became the butterfly that is Currents in 1992 , with the addition of , among other things , its excellent name . The origin of this name was chronicled nicely by Anna S . in last year ’ s “ Club Through the Years ” issue , and it bears repeating here : “ ‘ Currents ,’ commented Becky T ., ‘ seemed the logical title for a newsletter in a town on a river near a sea with currents of waves , and the word current also infers that there is up-to-date news .’ It was Lisa I . and Marinell H . who landed on the name . However , Marinell remembers that Currents was not the only option : another possibility was Harbinger , meaning ‘ a forerunner of something ,’ ( and ) a name evolving from the word harbor .” ( Anna S .)
Whatever the name ( although Currents is a real winner !), this magazine has grown with the club . In the beginning , the single sheet of paper did little more than announce the next luncheon location . Now it chronicles our activities in too many areas to list here , as well as the philanthropic , environmental , and educational work that defines this club as much as the fun does .
But let ’ s be honest — this magazine is extraordinary even for its purpose . If Carol H .. is to be believed ( and why not ?), our splashy , colorful , and fairly professional club magazine is the envy of FAWCO chapters worldwide !
So Currents is something special , as befits our special club . We hope you enjoy this issue . It ’ s been fun to put together .
All the best ,
Mason Jane M . & Stephanie M . A .
2 AWCH Currents Spring Edition