Currents Spring 2020 (Vol. 36, No. 1) | страница 5

our contributions to charitable projects goes be- yond fundraisers, and includes sewing squares for the FAWCO Friendship Quilt, writing award grants for development and education, and participating in FAWCO conferences. After a round of applause for the 2019 board mem- bers, who were each recognized individually by Nom- ination Chair Holly T., the new slate of officers was presented. All nominees were voted into office and accepted their positions (see below.) In the vein of giving, those attending the AGM were asked to vote for one of three short—listed projects nominated for the FAWCO Target Program Health 2020–2022. Brigitte B.-R. introduced the three proj- ects, all located in Africa. The project S.A.F.E. (Safe Alternatives for Female Genital Mutilation Elimina- tion) received the most votes and will be AWCH’s nomination. Results of FAWCO—wide voting will be announced in March. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. But before going home, AWCH members turned their attention to the results of the Silent Auction, gathering the treasures they had acquired. Thank you to all who participated! by Carol H. Before moving on to the election of the new officers, the attendees voted to increase membership dues from €39 to €45, effective January 1 st , 2021. This modest €6 increase after an interval of seven years will help AWCH continue to serve its members and give them value. Photos from Shelly S. 20 BOARD 20 M E M B E R S NEW AWCH I’m very excited for the new board, and I look for- ward with great pleasure to working with such excep- tional women who have already been busy planting the seeds of new ideas for 2020. They are as follows: my- self as president, Carol H. as vice-president, Susan B. as treasurer, Sara N. as secretary, Holly T. (remaining) as membership chair, Jordan B.W. as communications chair, Ann G.T. as activities chair, Andrea M. and Jessica M. as events co-chairs, and Christine R. (remaining) as FAWCO representative. We also have board-appointed positions: Cat C. as webmaster and da- ta-protection officer, Joanna O’M. and Carol H. as Landesfrauenrat representatives, Beatrice K. & Mason Jane M. as Currents co — editors, and Charis H. and myself as Hamburger Helpers coordi- nators. Thank you all for your willingness and dedication to serve our members for the next year. by Julia R. 5