Currents September 2019 Sept 2019_Currents web | Page 3

Currents September 2019 3 Atlantic One Project O ver the objections of adja- cent neighbors, the mixed-used development project is slated to be built on a 4.97-acre collection of parcels located south of East Atlantic Blvd. and north of SE Third St., between SE 17th and SE 19th Avenues, otherwise known as the land currently occu- pied by the McNab House Land, along with the surrounding prop- erty, cleared another hurdle by winning approval by the Zoning Board. A number of residents who attended a community meeting at the Emma Lou Olson Civic Cen- ter on June 10 expressed con- cerns about the project. These included density, increased traffic and insufficient parking. The meeting, which became heated at times, was organized by the developer and presented by the zoning attorney and the architect of the project. Atlantic One proposes 304 residential units and about 10,600 square feet of ground floor retail space fronting Atlantic Blvd. The project lies within the East Transit Oriented Corridor (ETOC), a new zoning district that went into effect last year and was designed to encourage mixed-use developments. The project would consist of five-story multi-family residential buildings and a total of 24 three- story townhomes. As per the requirements of the ETOC, the townhomes would be on the edges of the project that are close to single family homes, duplexes or other townhomes. The plan calls for 374 parking spaces. Residents were told that the new zoning allows for a reduced parking requirement to discourage people from using cars and to encourage multi- modal transportation. Acknowl- edging that traffic “frequently, is the biggest concern,” the zoning attorney said the traffic study car- ried out as part of the City’s review process showed that, dur- ing the morning peak hour approximately 90 new vehicular trips would be created by the project, and during the afternoon peak hour approximately 110 trips would be created, which equates to about two additional vehicles per minute in the morning, and about three additional vehicles per minute in the afternoon. City’s review process showed that, dur- ing the morning peak hour approximately 90 new vehicular trips would be created by the project, and during the afternoon peak hour approximately 110 trips would be created, which equates to about two additional vehicles continued on page 5 > S TOP Y OUR W INDOW L EAK P ROBLEMS Be Hu Prepa re rr Fi x you icane d for t r W Sea he NO indow son W! Lea ks Dried out gaskets and window stripping will cause window leaks. I have the proper window stripping to repair all types of windows. I also do Screening, Wrol-up Repair and Sliding Glass Doors. E FRE ATES M I EST C ALL P ATRICK Cell No. 954-829-4348 [email protected] FPL Independent Participating Contractor 3621 Washington Street • Hollywood, FL 33021