Currents November 2019 Nov 2019 _Currents web | Page 18

18 Currents November 2019 $25.00 OFF Craftman Any Work Done Must present coupon The Handyman Service Call: 954-991-1863 One Call Does It All! Our Focus Is On Excellent Service! Licensed & Insured By: Dr. Joanie McConnell English Spelling Is A Real Challenge! Tues., Nov. 26, 2019 For native and non-native speakers alike, English spelling is a real challenge, even in these days when we have spell-check apps on our smartphones and computers. Despite this backup help, many of the everyday words we use can be real “troublemakers.” Let’s start with words that have the same spelling, the same pronunciation but different meanings. I have lots on my mind, so please stop asking me all those irritating questions. Just mind your own business! Angie was really hungry. Can you believe that she ate a whole can of tuna for lunch! She really loves fish, but dislikes people who fish around for personal information. Christina is such a ham when she goes out to din- ner with friends. No wonder she always orders fish - never ham! We have to cut the pork from govern- ment, but we can include pork in our diet. The king rose from his throne, and gave the princess a beautiful red rose. Unfortunately a thief stole the queen’s ermine stole. Limit one per player with this coupon until expiration Nov. 30, 2019 People who are subject to depression often study a subject like psychology. After reading a book on Renaissance art, she decided to book a tour to Flo- continued on page 19 >