Currents November 2016 | Page 25

Currents November 2016 > continued from page 23 items to raise more money for research at City of Hope. Many thanks to all of them for a job well done. Our accolades to Ann Brummer, who has worked so diligently on a new directory for our chapter. She has filled the coffers of our Treasury, and with the help of Carole Weinberg, is producing an address booklet for our membership to use. Thank you so much to both of them for their efforts on behalf of City of Hope. Have you paid your dues yet? If so, or if you are a Life Member of City of Hope, you are welcome to a complimentary lunch at the Isle Casino, on November 16th, at 11:30 a.m. Don't forget to bring $$$ to purchase raffle tickets. Bette and Marvin Heidenrich are working hard to make the afternoon both enjoyable and profitable. Kudos to the Heidenriches for sponsoring the event. Please R.S.V.P. to them (954)979-2131. I hope to see you there. Don't forget to sign up to wrap holiday packages at the Festival Flea Market from December 11th through Christmas. Please call Michele Herzmark (954)917-9897 and tell her which day(s) you can work. Can you spare a couple of hours from either 10 a.m 1 p.m. or from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Remember that this is one of our biggest fund raisers of the year! Plans for the Celebration luncheon on January 10th are underway, so save the date. Also mark February 14th on your calendar for the Rainbow luncheon. March 14th is the date of our annual Card and Maj Jongg party. We also have scheduled the Second Night Passover Seder on April 12th. Our final meeting for the season will be held on April 25th, at which time we will honor a valued volunteer, followed by a Bingo Game. We will have a day trip and an overnighter, and there will be tickets available to see a couple of different plays. As I stated before, we have a full schedule. There is something for everyone. Please find something that appeals to you and join us in our quest to eradicate hard-to-cure diseases. continued on page 26 > 25