Currents November 2016 | Page 16

16 Currents November 2016 EAGLE PACK & SHIP CENTER DISCOUNT SHIPPING PERSONAL MAILBOXES WITH A PHYSICAL ADDRESS • Fax Services • Internet Access • Keys • Ship Luggage • Notary • Laminating • FREE Pick Up/ Delivery HAPPY THANKSGIVING! NEW “As Seen On TV” items 954-973-1690 Office Supplies/ Packing Materials, etc. Now selling 1245 S. Powerline Road Pompano Beach, FL 33069 > continued from page 15 which would mean that your children would not be able to quickly sell it and will have to pay maintenance, taxes, etc. If you want your children to have the least aggravation and eliminate fees, costs and time, a Revocable Living Trust makes the most sense. At the time you sign the Trust, you would also sign a Deed whereby you transfer the property from your names individually to you as Trustees of your Trust. This does not change your ability to sell your home, get a mortgage or refinance. You continue to claim your homestead exemption. In fact, owning your home as Trustees of your Trust does not change anything except that when you both pass away, there will be no probate of your home. You should consider having a Durable Power of Attorney to take care of your legal and financial affairs outside of your Trust. In addition, there is a document called a Designation of Health Care Surrogate which provides for making all medical decisions in the event of incapacity. The final document is a Living Will, to be allowed to die naturally if there is no hope. These documents are separate from a Revocable Living Trust. The Trust document is called revocable because you can change it or terminate it at any time during your life. If you wish to make changes, an amendment to the Trust is prepared. The original Trust document remains in effect except as to any amendments. This article summarizes the basic concepts involved in a Revocable Living Trust, Durable Power continued on page 18 >