May 2019
By: Martin Zevin, P.A.
The Most Important Insurance You Can
Most people who own a car believe they have “full
coverage” for their car insurance; however, as a
lawyer who handles personal injury claims, “full cov-
erage” means something very different to me than it
may mean to you. In Florida, only two types of cov-
erage are required: personal
injury protection (PIP) and prop-
erty damage liability. It is esti-
mated that one out of three driv-
ers in Florida only have the mini-
mum required coverage. It is
important that you be fully pro-
tected in the event one of those
drivers injures you due to a rear-
end collision or other accident
which is not your fault.
Therefore, it is extremely
important that you properly pro-
tect yourself by carrying a maxi-
mum amount of uninsured
motorist coverage (U.M.). I rec-
ommend at least $100,000 per
person/$300,000 per occurrence
for each vehicle in your house-
hold. If you have more than one
vehicle, I strongly recommend
“stacking”, which allows you to
combine your coverage on each
of your cars. Stacking is well
worth the small additional pre-
We Support Our Troops
continued on page 14 >