CURRENTS March 2016 Currents March 2016 | Page 12

12 March 2016 Currents By: Dr. Joanie McConnell Golden Years And Silver Divorces Retirement should, at least in theory, mark the beginning of the so-called golden years. Unfortunately in many cases, this gilded myth is buried under the weight of health issues, financial problems, family responsibilities and unexpected events. In Japan, retirees and soon-tobe retirees are concerned about the possible repercussions of an “unexpected event.” In 2003, a new law changed the Japanese pension system. Effective April 2007, a divorced Japanese wife is now entitled to receive up to 50% of her former husband's pension. This new law has spawned a surprising number of what the media call silver divorces. To understand the root of these silver divorces, we must look at the role of the salary man. Who is he? For decades, corporations and government offices have been hiring young men continue ۈY