Currents June 2019 June 2019 | Page 3

Currents June 2019 3 Erosion N o regulation except our regulation. Seems to be the ALEC /GOP motto. No “Big Government Rules” except our rules. 2019 passed legislation which was delivered to the Governor’s Office for signature is a hodge- podge of directions. Some restrict local governments, others empower them. That tells us one thing: Republicans only like rules made by them. They are creating another version of the Nanny State. Local school boards were assisted by allowing an elective civics class in schools, but it was a primary curriculum item. Hmm, simultaneously the elective cur- riculum must be approved by the Florida Joint Center for Citizen- ship Logo Florida Joint Center for Citizenship. HB 741–anti-Semitism is to be treated in the same manner as racial discrimination. It also defines anti-Semitism and includes criticizing Israeli actions without context or unreasonably within that definition. This is something to keep in mind as we think about instruction on the Holocaust or racism and discrimi- nation in general, as well as when discussing current events with our kids. Perhaps a wider agenda is at play here, for evangelical dis- crimination claims. SB7030 - implements the rec- ommendations of the MSD high school public safety commission and allows districts to authorize select teachers to have access to firearms on campus. SB 1342 makes it easier for kids to take part in dual enroll- ment, lowering the GPA to 2.5 and prohibits limitations on stu- dent participation. The goal here is to address college costs and provide a greater degree of choice for parents and students. Executive Order 19-32 requires a review and revision of math and ELA standards to remove any and all vestiges of ‘common core’ and orders new attention on preparing kids with ‘American civics’, among other things. The Florida Council for the Social Studies, as well as the Florida Joint Center for Citizen- ship, are some of the stakeholder organizations asked to provide feedback on the revised stan- dards. You can take part in the review process as well by regis- tering on the EdCredible platform. Show Me How “The Florida Legislature may want to go back in time with their unconstitutional and wrong- continued on page 5 > S TOP Y OUR W INDOW L EAK P ROBLEMS Be Hu Prepa re rr Fi x you icane d for t r W Sea he NO indow son W! Lea ks Dried out gaskets and window stripping will cause window leaks. I have the proper window stripping to repair all types of windows. I also do Screening, Wrol-up Repair and Sliding Glass Doors. E FRE ATES M I EST C ALL P ATRICK Cell No. 954-829-4348 [email protected] FPL Independent Participating Contractor 3621 Washington Street • Hollywood, FL 33021