June 2018
> continued from page 7
essential for building stronger solutions to environ-
mental and community concerns, including recy-
Throughput, Recovery, Purity
The nonprofit’s goal is to double the current recy-
cling rate in the U.S. and capture 22 million more
tons of recyclables per year, avoiding 50 million met-
ric tons of greenhouse gas annually and saving $250
million in contamination costs annually.
“At Starbucks we understand the power of work-
ing together to achieve complex sustainability goals,”
says Rebecca Zimmer, global director of environ-
ment. “We are proud to join The Recycling Partner-
ship in order to leverage their capability of creating
change at the community level in support of the
development of a city by city infrastructure that will
make recycling a reality, everywhere.”
“As one of the world’s leading producers of
renewable, fiber-based packaging, pulp and paper,
we are committed to strengthening our people and
continued on page 9 >