CURRENTS Jan 2018 | Page 23

Currents January 2018 In And Around Palm Aire Brandeis By: Gigi Paleias Brandeis Meetings will be held at members homes. Meetings start at 10:30 a.m. Please advise the hostess if you plan to attend. Jan.17 - Evelyn Sheldon 3519 Oaks Way #201 Palm Aire Feb. 21- Rita Goldberg 7877 Golf Circle Dr. #210 Oriole Gardens Margate 954.974.7274 Mar. 21- Joy Rosenthal 1801 Eleuthera Pt. # G4 Wynmoor 954. 973.1196 Apr. 18 - Grace Weinstein 3505 Oaks Way # 405 Palm Aire 954. 956.0773 Apr 18 - Grace Weinstein 3505 Oaks Way #405 Palm Aire 954. 956.0773 Marjory's Friday Writers I have been holding my writing group, called Mar- jory's Friday Writers, meeting every Friday since the Skolnick Center opened (12 or 13 years ago!), and I continue to hold my classes during the season. Meeting from 10 a.m. to noon. Participants come from all over Broward; it is not restricted Palm Aire residents alone. There is a charge of $17 per session and membership in the Pompano Parks and Rec. Department as well. Marjory's Friday Writers will hold a BOOK SHOW and MEET and GREET on Saturday, January 27 for 1 to 4 p.m. at the Skolnick. Ten participants in my workshops who have published books will be exhibit- ing and talking about their books. They will offer their books at a discounted rate for those attending the BOOK SHOW. No charge to attend. Food included! For info call: 954-249-1333. Southern Handcraft Society Southern Handcraft Society of Coral Springs will meet on January 2, 2018 at 7 p.m. in Cypress Creek Clubhouse at 1300 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs.  This month participants will craft a snow- man in honor of the season. We welcome new mem- continued on page 24 > 23 LAW OFFICES OF MARTIN ZEVIN, P.A. TALK TO A LAWYER ... ... BE SMART Martin Zevin, head of the firm, has been practicing Personal Injury, Wills, Trusts & Estates in Broward & Palm Beach Counties since 1973. We offer free consultation for all per- sonal injury cases, including car acci- dents, slip & fall, pedestrains, bicy- clists, etc. We also offer free consultation for Wills, Living Trusts & Probate. Included in Free Consultation for Wills, Trusts and Estates: 1. What are the differences between a Will & a Revocable Living Trust? 2. What is Probate, how long does it take & what are the costs & attorney’s fees? 3. Why is it important for every adult to have a Durable Power of Attorney, Designation of Health Care Surrogate & Living Will? 4. Review of your current legal documents. Included in Free Consultation for Personal Injury: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How much is your case worth? How long will it take to settle or go to court? How much for costs & attorney fees? Referrals to Doctors. Review of your car insurance. LAW OFFICES OF MARTIN ZEVIN, P.A. 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 569-4878 (954) 569-HURT (Just E. of Powerline Rd.) If you are physically unable to come to us due to per- sonal injury, Mr. Zevin will visit you. You may obtain free written information regarding the quali- fications & experience of this law firm by writing or calling during regular business hours. website: http/