Currents: Hosting in Hamburg & Hygge Year 2023/2024 Volume 39 Issue 4 | Page 35

RECAP 2023

by Tracy Moede
The Stitch ‘ n ’ Bitch group meets every other Tuesday . This year we found ourselves with a change in leadership as Jess Mancuso moved to the UK at the end of 2022 . We continued to meet via Skype for the beginning of the year , all the while looking for a new group leader . Fortunately , returning member Petra Roitsch gladly took on that role . Since the number of attending members has decreased somewhat since the pre-COVID days , we have been able to meet in members ’ homes again . Tracy Moede , Jen Lane , Petra R ., Cat Connor , Karen Sellhorn-Timm and Kathryn Spiers hosted in 2023 . We have a couple of club members , Sandra Stapela and Jordan Beck Wagner , who have moved from Hamburg but are still active in SnB , so we continue to meet once a month on Skype and are able to include them .
We support each other not only in our crafts but also in friendship . We actively participate in the From the Heart Working Bee as Ladies of the Bee , making heart pillows and drainage bottle bags for the Helios Mariahilf Krankenhaus in Hamburg and UKSH in Lübeck . Our year-ending event , a White Elephant Gift Exchange , is always a big hit and loads of fun .