by Stephanie Matlock Allen
The American Women ’ s Club of Hamburg was honored to host the FAWCO Region 5 Meeting in November . The event was , by all accounts , a great success . The Jufa Hotel in HafenCity is very welcoming and has great views of the harbor . The food was yummy , the speakers were terrific , the entertainment was fantastic , the tours were fun , and everyone had a good time .
More than seventy people attended the meeting — a huge turnout ! We welcomed visitors from member clubs in the region — which covers Germany , Austria , and Moldova — plus board members for FAWCO and The FAWCO Foundation from around the world . Our special guests were the founders of Awesome Blossoms from Kenya , who are the current recipients of FAWCO and the AWCH fundraising . We were especially thrilled that twenty AWCH members attended , highlighting the special partnership between FAWCO and our own club .
AWCH President Stephanie Matlock Allen and her team of Jordan Beck Wagner , Carol Harbers , Carol Strametz , Sara Naumann , Susan Stanley- Witt , Tracy Moede , and Cat Connors pulled it off without a hitch . We can all be proud of what was accomplished and the wonderful impression the AWCH made among the other FAWCO clubs .
Of course , a group that can work together for FAWCO and have fun can cooperatively produce an article reviewing the weekend together . Many thanks to all the clubs for sending in the reports that formed this article .
More than seventy people attended the Region 5 meeting in Hamburg .