Currents February 2020 Feb 2020 _Currents web | Page 15

Currents February 2020 > continued from page 14 If you have never done a Durable Power of Attor- ney, it is extremely important to contact a lawyer to prepare the document as soon as possible. How- ever, if you have a Durable Power of Attorney and it is over five years old, it is strongly advisable to pre- continued on page 16 > Executive Car Service ONLINE RESERVATIONS WWW.GO-AIRPORTSHUTTLE.COM The Official Shared Ride Shuttle and Express Service of the Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood Int’l Airport Conveniently located curbside outside baggage claim FOR RATES AND RESERVATIONS CALL 954-561-8888 800-244-8252 on your behalf for virtually all legal and financial mat- ters. The Durable Power of Attorney is most often uti- lized if you become incapacitated; however, I have many clients who choose to allow someone trustwor- thy to act on their behalf just to make life less compli- cated. The Durable Power of Attorney can be used for such diverse jobs as paying bills, signing con- tracts, buying and selling real estate, making invest- ments, collecting monies owed and most other mat- ters of a legal or financial nature. It does not cover any medical decisions, for which Florida Law requires a Designation of Health Care Surrogate. It also does not cover “pulling the plug,” for which a Written Declaration, otherwise known as a Living Will, is required. 24 Hour Advance Reservations Rates available for all local airports & seaports upon request Members of the GO GROuP the worldwide leader in airport shuttle transportation POMPANO BEACH 15