Currents Fall 2020 Vol 36, No. III | Page 31

1 Check out your local zero-waste stores for products, books, and ideas about living a less wasteful life. Use sturdy glass containers and refill them with soaps, oils, etc. at refill stores near you instead of buying plastic containers each time. 3 DIY projects, like toothpaste: two tbsp baking soda, two tbsp coconut oil, 10 drops of peppermint oil, and store in a glass jar. 5 Bar soap: shampoo, conditioner, and regular soap are all available in bar form. Ditch the plastic bottles! Be sure to check the ingredients if you are also avoiding synthetic perfumes, parabens, and sulfates. 7 Bamboo toothbrushes, bamboo brushes, and sturdy soap holders, check! Some Zero Waste Stores in Hamburg Stueckgut, Ohne Gedoens, Streubar, Bio Lose, & Lavatara (Altona) 2 Reusable makeup-remover cotton pads: make these out of old towels or clothing. Check Google for DIY instructions! 4Keep a bucket in your shower for excess water use; for example, while you are waiting for the running water to warm up, collect the extra water for your plants! 6 Safety razors all the way! Don’t keep throwing out plastic razors—invest in a safety razor and only switch out the blade every few months. 9 Use up your current plastic products before switching to eco-friendly ones. You don’t have to throw out all of your plastics products right away! Use your products until they break or cannot be repaired. Try to reuse them, recycle them, or donate them before investing in sustainable products. 8Use plastic-free 100% cotton menstrual products or invest in a menstrual cup. 10 Follow green tips and zero-waste accounts on social media for inspiration: @thezerowasteguide @easy_green_tips @ecotips._ 31