August 2018
Dog & People Walker
Reliable and friendly personal
assistant will provide compan-
ionship, transportation to
appointments, food shopping,
dining out, dog walking/sit-
ting, and other activities.
References available
Call or email to arrange a
no-obligation appointment!
Email: [email protected]
We Can Do
Our Part
Please ReCycle
> continued from page 19
time an ancestor lived near a bridge, a field, a village
green, a meadow or the woods. Other surnames like
Berlin, Chester, Holland, Kent, Lincoln or York indi-
cate the city or area where the ancestors first lived.
The fourth group of surnames is inspired by
nature. Some such as Bull, Colt, Lamb and Wolf(e)
refer to animals, while others like Bird, Finch, Swan,
Turtle (from Turtle Dove) and Wren remind us of our
feathered friends. Let’s not forget fish: Bass and
Pike, for example.
The fifth category is the most amusing, albeit at
times, unflattering. These surnames describe per-
sonal characteristics or habits. Color-based sur-
names usually describe the color of hair or complex-
ion: Gray, Black, White or Read (Old English version
of “red”).
The original Mr. Frost probably had a cold, offish
disposition. Mr. Doe was unquestionably passive
like a female deer. Undoubtedly Mr. Little was short,
while Mr. Long(fellow) was tall. Mr. Newman was a
newcomer in town. Mr. Calvin – unfortunate man –
was bald, but hopefully his progeny have not inher-
ited this problem. You have to feel sorry for the first
Mr. Mallory who was known for being unlucky.
As you can see from this very brief account, sur-
names give us fascinating, funny and sometimes not
so flattering details about our ancestors.
August 2018
In And Around Palm Aire
Southern Handcraft Society
Southern Handcraft Society of Coral Springs will
meet on September 4, 2018 at 7 pm in Cypress
Creek Clubhouse at 1300 Coral Springs Drive, Coral
Springs. This month participants will have the oppor-
tunity to make two different kinds of glass ball orna-
ments utilizing Ranger alcohol inks and puffy fabric
paint in neon colors. The fee will be $3 to make both
ornaments. We welcome new members. All you
need is an interest in crafting.
continued on page 23 >
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