CURRENTS August 2018 | Page 18

18 Currents August 2018 Currents August 2018 > continued from page 18 By: Dr. Joanie McConnell FAMILY NAMES Fascinating, Funny and Not So Flattering Once upon a time, when communities were small, there was no pressing need for last names. Every- body knew each other. When small villages, however, turned into cities and when people began to travel far and wide, sur- names became an important and convenient way of identifying indi- viduals. In the West, surnames can generally be divided into five cat- egories. First of all, there are the so-called patronymic surnames based on the father’s name. To indicate this ancestry ID, the suf- fix –son was added to the first name. Thus, Wilson is William’s son, Anderson is Andrew’s son, and Robinson is Robert’s son. For patronymic surnames from Ireland and Scotland, the ances- tor ID prefix goes before the name. Irish surnames start with O’: O’Leary or O’Toole. Scottish surnames use Mac: MacKenzie or MacMillan. Names beginning FREE COMMUNITY BUS continued on page 19 > with Mc such as McConnell or McDonald can be either Scottish or Irish – sometimes a dauntingly dangerous distinction to make. If your last name begins with Fitz, the ancestry goes back to the eleventh century when William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England. Fitz is the old French word for “son.” So the first Fitzhugh was the son of Hugh. If your surname happens to be Fitzroy, then one of your forefathers was “son of the king. ” Don’t get too proud because this surname was actually a euphemism for the king’s illegitimate son! The second category of surnames indicates pro- fession or trade. Surnames such as Baker, Butler, Carpenter, Clark, Smith, Taylor or Weaver require no explanation. Surnames such as Duke, Earl or King indicate titles held in the past. Others are clearly reli- gious in origin: Abbott, Bishop, Monk or Priest. The third category consists of location names. Surnames such as Bridge(s), Field(s), Green, Meadow(s) and Wood(s) tell us that once upon a continued on page 20 > 19 COMPLETE AUTO CENTER D R . B RAKES FREE ESTIMATES • FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT CITIZENS Not applicabl e with other specials OIL CHANGE BRAKE SPECIAL 95 $ LUBE & FILTER Up to 5 Qts. Oil Free 16 Point Check-up Plus Disposal Fee $ 74 16 95 By Appointment Only Includes: Replace Front Pads or Rear Shoes. Inspect Brake Rotors, Brake Drum & Hydraulics System. Most Cars Most Cars Exp. 08/31/2018 With Ad – Exp. 08/31/2018 3109 W. Atlantic Blvd. OPEN Mon–Fri 8 to 5 Sat Closed Sun 8 to 3 F A/C C REE HECK UP Corner of 31st Ave. & Atlantic Blvd. Behind Shell Gas Station 954-971-2343 ® MasterCard ® FREE TOWING WITH SERVICE