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are perfect for the outer cap. If you expose your hair to chlorine over a long time period, such as six months or a year, you almost certainly will have hair that is not a uniform color. The bottom part of your hair is thinner and may even resemble blonde, with the top part darker. Worse still, the lighter part will have a dry, breakable texture. The easiest precaution is to shower off with water when leaving the pool. Some even coat their hair with a conditioner so that chemicals will not have such direct contact with the hair. Shampooing after each time your hair gets wet can make it too oily, so invest in a dry shampoo in between. 4) If you start an outing, such as a walk or a run, do not give up simply because of a quick, light rain shower, or even a heavy one. Find shelter under a roof, awning, or big tree until the rain abates. Rarely does it last too long. 5) Now we are up to the most important precaution of all: protecting your skin from overexposure to the sun. Unless you want a face like a prune in two years, it’s vital to only swim or sunbathe with sunblock that minimizes damage. Dermatologists feel the two most important ingredients are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, and both can be found at CVS or Walgreens. Then you can apply the cream and let it penetrate for at least a half hour. Indeed, when you finish swimming, it will be hard to wash the correct sunblock off, but this slight inconven- ience is worth the trouble, add to that the fact that many moisturizers have an SPF rating, and you can assure that you will not look wrinkled or older before your time. Even some brands of foundation have sunblock properties, so you can achieve a uniform complexion while you are also avoiding skin cancer. 6) This may sound shallow to some, but there’s been an innovation called Waterproof Makeup Which has made the sun, sweat, and even saltwater and chlorine more bearable. Be careful; waterproof and smudge proof or long-lasting are not the same, and some brands which claim to be waterproof are inferior to oth- ers. From only my own experiences as a veteran of both sweating, swimming, and reapplying make-up over the past forty two years, I can claim the best results with MAC waterproof liquid eyeliner. Even after underwater swim- ming, it stays on so well that even make up removers can barely erase all traces. In fact, people of both genders have expressed surprise when I emerge from a pool with eyeliner perfectly intact. Most dress in Florida is casual, and the lighter the fabric the better. During the worst heat, jeans can even feel too heavy unless they are lightweight material. Keep in mind that although most areas have air conditioning, they have varying temperatures. Moreover, some buildings have outdoor corridors. Your favorite silk blouse is sophisticated and lovely, but it can also choke your skin and lead to dehydration. Do you really want death by silk? 7) For a day outdoors, sporting stores sell tank tops with small holes in them to facilitate air flow. It is also common here to wear sports skirts with built in panties even after running or tennis are over, just to stay cool. 8) In general, long sleeves are only needed for brief time periods here since temperatures are rarely below seventy degrees. Dresses can also be lightweight and simple; even a “one size fits all” tank dress (or a “one size fits most”) can be worn to expensive restaurants, dressed up with heels and a necklace. Men are more com- fortable wearing shorts everywhere, but we think and re-think it. It seems to go against our natures to consider comfortable clothes before fashion, but even one day in the wrong outfit in the tropics will be enough to make you shelve some garbs forever. Think about it; isn’t it a relief to kiss your coats, lined boots, gloves, and woolen scarves good-bye? Trade all of those in for one zip-up flannel jacket and a few dressier blazers. Even short open sweaters with no buttons can give the extra warmth you need on an occasional cool night. Does all this seem like a lot to consider when starting your day? Actually, adjustments are naturally made after many crucial mistakes, such as packing a bathing suit but no towel, a gym outfit with no sneakers, or arriving at the beach with nothing to sit on. In short, when you put on or buy clothes for Florida, think about what you are about to experience here versus in your home town. You have all the beauty of nature firsthand most of the year. We live in a place most tourists choose as their destination, and there are very high hotel rates to prove it. Rather than seeing yourself as “a prisoner of your air conditioning unit,” as one snowbird described herself, with minor lifestyle changes you can fully enjoy the state that we locals consider Paradise.