F R O M t h e
Kristi Hayes , C . Ped . PFA President kristi @ pedorthics . org
Your Reputation is Everything :
Let PFA Help You Build and Maintain
“ It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and only one bad one to lose it .” — Benjamin Franklin
Take care of every patient as if it were your only and most important one . Losing referral sources over failure to properly follow up clues sources in on a change you need to make in order to better serve the patient , and failing to deliver on your initial promise to solve foot problems can ruin your good reputation . We already know we have to do it , but how thorough are we really when it comes to following up ? Being short on time and help is not a good excuse . Making time to summarize an outcome with referral sources is critical .
Lay the groundwork and establish yourself as the local foot care expert up front by using the tools the Pedorthic Footcare Association ( PFA ) has laid before you . The first thing to do is register on the PFA website at www . pedorthics . org and establish your profile so that potential patients / clients can find you in PFA ’ s online searchable database — someplace other than your own website . Your affiliation with the national organization representing the pedorthic profession will also enhance your credibility with patients and referral sources alike . This is an amazing opportunity that is a benefit to being a member of PFA .
Next , carefully review the PFA website . As a member , there are resources available to you that concisely explain your profession and provide a clear mission statement , current industry news , press releases , article reproduction , breakthroughs and changes that you have to know . Additionally , through PFA ’ s Resource Center Bookstore , we make available tools at nominal costs to help you effectively market yourself and your practice , such as brochures that outline pedorthics and how we interface with patients through shoe modifications , custom orthoses and footwear .
With this plethora of information at your fingertips , you will be well-armed to sit down with referral sources and quickly market your profession and your facility .
Once you ’ ve gained a referral source , it ’ s your responsibility to keep it , and to do that you have to make good on your promises . Make sure you don ’ t claim to be able to do anything you are not well-skilled at or don ’ t possess the knowledge to be able to back it up . In other words , put your money where your mouth is ; after all , the referrer took the time to write you a prescription and sent their patient to you . After seeing a patient , documenting the case and communicating with the client is job one . The next step is to document what you ’ ve done either in letter format or by a premade tear sheet / check-off list and get that information back to the doctor who began the process .
It ’ s vital to close the loop . You not only have to report back what you provided the patient , you also have to report whether or not you felt they were compliant and when you advised them to follow up with you and their physician or referral source .
As a PFA member , you have access to utilize PFA ’ s member logo , which you can add to your follow-up letters , tear sheets and follow-up checklists . You are a practitioner who holds professional membership in a well-respected organization , and , with that , you have unique admission to resources and a pedorthic network that stands behind you . First impressions are important , but it ’ s the ongoing trust and lasting impressions that will make or break you , so use your membership to your advantage . PFA is here to help . ■
The Pedorthic Footcare Association ( PFA ), founded in 1958 , is the not-for-profit professional association that represents the interests of the certified and / or licensed pedorthist and supports the pedorthic profession at large .
Through PFA ’ s efforts , pedorthics — the design , manufacture , modification and fit of shoes and foot orthoses to alleviate problems caused by disease , congenital condition , overuse or injury — is a wellestablished allied health profession that makes an invaluable contribution to public health .
PFA ’ s mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the credentialed ( certified and / or licensed ) pedorthist through education ; increase the demand for the credentialed pedorthist ’ s services through marketing ; and defend the credentialed pedorthist ’ s right to practice through government affairs activities .
Pedorthic Footcare Association 2025 M St ., N . W . Suite 800 Washington , D . C . 20036 phone ( 202 ) 367-1145 toll-free ( 800 ) 673-8447 fax ( 202 ) 367-2145 email info @ pedorthics . org website www . pedorthics . org
Scan the QR code with a smartphone to learn more about PFA .
6 Pedorthic Footcare Association www . pedorthics . org