Current Pedorthics | September-October 2014 | Vol.46, Issue 5 | Page 10
exhibitors and members while evaluating and coming to grips
with what was happening in the marketplace. If you look at our
membership numbers over the last 10 years, you realize that
we have lost many members. This, I surmise, is due to many
eventualities, but we have narrowed it down to the perfect storm.
PFA has lost many members to normal attrition rates (retirement,
career change, death) in comparison to other professional
associations, but the abundance of the Medicare pedorthists has
skewed these numbers. Just who are the Medicare pedorthists?
These are a great number of members who entered into the
profession solely on the wave of the Therapeutic Shoe Bill.
These C.Peds were hired by the multitude of DME’s who added
shoes as an independent or ancillary revenue stream. However,
when Medicare began to adjust the rules and increase the audits,
these Certified Pedorthists lost traction and not only left the PFA
but also left the profession. As a Medicare Pedorthist, I have felt
this pain.
When you consider the overall economy as a fiscal catalyst,
it has left many out of work pedorthists unable to pay dues
or attend the Symposium. With some exceptions (states with
licensure and Medicare), a pedorthic credential is a purely
voluntary credential. By extension, then, continuing education
becomes voluntary if you need to begin making decisions
about where to cut expenses. Furthermore, some companies,
especially those specializing in diabetic shoes, were unable to
support PFA as once before; and with the onset of membership
and CEU competition and the advancement in pedorthic
education, we have at times struggled to stay afloat. The BOD
takes its fiduciary responsibilities very seriously and has used your
dues wisely; most importantly is we cut expenses when necessary.
We have together weathered the storm and the PFA is still
here representing the rights of and advocating for the Certified
Looking back over the last two years, there were many
measurable accomplishments over the term of my presidency:
• We placed members of our BOD on the Medicare Regional
• We improved our distance learning and significantly increased
our CEU opportunities.
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