Current Pedorthics | November-December 2017 | Vol.49, Issue 6 | Page 27

propulsion. She had a marked scoliosis and lordosis. Observing the frontal plane, she showed left shoulder drop and right shoulder elevation. Genu valgum was seen bilaterally. She also had an extreme pelvic tilt with the right side being higher, and exhibited tibial varum bilaterally, with a greater manifestation on the right. She presented with flexible pes planus on the left foot and rigid pes cavus on the right foot. She exhibited an equinus gait that showed an early heel off, and a shortened stride length with a hard heel strike. A biomechanical study was conducted utilizing the EMEDĀ® Pedobaragraph and Gait Matt IIĀ®. Using the EMED pedography two-dimensional system, the left foot demonstrated a center line of force traversing more medial in pronation through the foot, and propelling out the hallux. The right foot struck with less pressure, and the center line of force moved more lateral in a slight supination with the pressure loading through the metatarsal heads, then propelling through the hallux. In the EMED three-dimensional view the peak of the center of force line was flat and showed an apropulsive line of force from her heel to hallux on the left foot, and on the right foot, the center line of force raised to a peak pressure at approximately the submetatarsal 2 and then traversed through the hallux. The right foot had less surface contact pressure Current Pedorthics November/December 2017 25